Nearly Me 1603005 BODY GUARD 3 in. Circles-Jar
All BODY GUARD Hydro Gel Products are made of a cross-linked polymer gel that is 94.5% water. This water "gel" acts as a friction and pressure barrier between the skin and another surface to reduce friction and shearing as well as helps absorb pressure that can cause blisters or abrasions. These Hydro Gel products are highly flexible and conform easily over any curved surface. The larger sheets can be cut to any shape and the small 1" squares are perfect over blister prone areas on the hands and feet. The Hydro Gel can be held in place with BODY GUARD PolyKnit Adhesive Sheeting, a breathable lightweight spun polyester with a medical grade adhesive that will stay in place even when bathing. Great for hands and feet. Hydro gel is non-sterile and not recommended for open wounds. Products are packaged either in convenient resealable ziplock bags or durable plastic jars and are made in the U.S.A.with U.S. materials.